
3 Tips To Greenify Your Life

Nowadays more Australians are making a greater effort to be environmentally sustainable. It doesn’t end at putting your plastic out into the recycling bin, though! While that is a good place to start, there is definitely more that you can do to become your household’s own eco warrior.

Here are three unique tips that will help you to ‘greenify’ your life in some small way. Remember, it’s adding these kinds of small measures all together that will help you make a difference for Australia’s sustainability.

Tip 1 – Plant Trees

Greenify with green. Do you have any space on your property where you can plant trees? Doing so won’t just make your residence more aesthetically appealing, it will be good for your health. Trees and green plants help to reduce pollutants in the air, making what you breathe cleaner and safer.

If you don’t have the rights to plant these yourself (perhaps you’re renting) ask your landlord for permission. If not, consider some potted plants or trees as these will still contribute!

Tip 2 – Donate

Every day, more and more objects, items and appliances are created and old ones are being thrown away. But what if we made better use of what we already have? While some objects may be out of date and worthless to you, someone else may have a use for them. Consider donating objects that you no longer want but are still in good condition, or even sell them online. The more people can share and trade these kinds of objects, the less we will have to produce and the less that goes to waste.

Tip 3 – Buy in bulk

To avoid using plastic so much, buy food items in bulk and use reusable items such as produce bags or reusable sandwich wraps. You can even buy your beauty products such as body wash and moisturiser in refillable, bulk form, so go with this option.

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