preserve Australia's beauty

How To Preserve Australia’s Beauty

Australia’s vast landscape is home to endless horizons of natural beauty – and that makes it our job to protect and preserve it.

As our country is full of rare and unique native species and wildlife, it’s even more important that we keep Australia in a habitable condition for these creatures.

How do we go about doing that?

One way in which you can preserve Australia’s beauty and protect the environment is to make more sustainable choices about the products you use.

Through eliminating the use of single-use plastic in your household you can make a big dent in one of the biggest scourges on the natural environment.

Single-use plastic often either ends up in landfill or polluting treasured parts of Australia’s natural beauty. Things like plastic bag, sandwich wrap, water bottles and food packaging are some of the biggest culprits.

It’s surprisingly easy to forsake these items in favour of the reusable kind. For instance, reusable shopping bags and reusable sandwich wrap are great alternatives. Not only are they environmentally friendly, but they cost you a whole lot less as you only have to make the one initial purchase.

When it comes to food packaging, this is a little harder to avoid. However, you can recycle what you do use – or make an effort to scout out foods that don’t need any kind of plastic wrap. You can buy your fruits and veggies in your reusable produce bags, and you can look out for foods that come in bulk such as nuts, lentils, spices and there are even speciality bulk stores which you can visit for almost anything in bulk you can imagine!

Once you get in the hang of shopping in this way, it’ll become second nature in no time.

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