sustainable travel

Sustainable Travel Tips

Travelling is an extremely exciting, fun and mind expanding activity and comes with many benefits. However, one of the downsides of travel is that it it is not always done in a sustainable way, in some cases it can cause a degree of environmental degradation.

Think about all the carbon emissions that are released through cars driving long distances, aeroplanes flying in the sky and the plethora of other travel-related activities that rely on fossil fuels.

However, there are things that you can do while travelling to reduce your environmental impact.

Choose eco friendly tourism operators

These days, more and more tourism outlets operate with sustainable principles, in order to reduce any environmental harm. If you are going on any group tours you can seek out a sustainable one. Similarly, it is possible to find eco friendly accommodation while travelling in Australia or overseas.

As for air travel, you can purchase carbon offset credits when organising your flight for a relatively small fee. These go towards projects that aim to make up for the environmental damage that carbon emissions cause.

Your travel materials

Invest in some eco friendly products for travel. This might mean using eco friendly bags for your shopping and finding a sustainably made backpack. As well as this, certain types of clothing are made more sustainable than others and can often be found at nature and travel stores.

While travelling, be extra careful not to disturb the local environment around you by littering or treating it carelessly.

Though travelling sustainably takes some effort on your part, it is becoming more accessible and popular. Set a great example for your family and friends by doing your best to operate in the most eco friendly way while travelling.

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