eco friendly food choices

3 Eco Friendly Food Choices

Are you looking for ways to make more eco friendly, sustainable food choices in your life – but aren’t sure how to begin?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with these tidbits of information on how you can make some small changes to your habits for the betterment of the Earth. What’s not to love?

Buy local

How does buying fresh produce grown locally, such as fruit, vegetable and meat, help the environment?

For one, it minimises the ‘food miles’ of the item you’re consuming. This refers to how far your food has been transported to get to you. A lot of food is imported from overseas or transported from across the country, which means more carbon emissions. Plus there’s all the electricity that goes into storing and freezing items.

The closer food is grown to you, the fewer ‘food miles’ it travels, meaning a lower level of emissions and a less adverse impact upon the environment.

Go organic

What does organic mean, really? Well, a certified-organic product will have been grown without the use of chemicals, pesticides, genetic modification, growth hormones or antibiotics for starters.

That means the final product has been nurtured without man-made chemical intervention, so it’s in the most natural state possible.

Organic farmers also prioritise environmental sustainability, so you can be sure any animals and land involved in the process are well-treated and cared for.

Don’t forget about the packaging

Often overlooked, packaging is a factor in eco friendly food choices as well as to your health. Bolster your efforts to support local and organic produce by making sure you’re using sustainable packaging, too. That means foregoing single-use plastic bags for the more sustainable options such as reusable produce bags for your fruit and vegetables and reusable shopping bags for your groceries.

By taking these three simple steps where possible, you can make a big difference to the eco friendliness of your food choices.

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