eco friendly example

Geraldton Sets An Eco Friendly Example

Geraldton, the capital of WA’S Mid-West is a beautiful spot which looks out to the ocean, and is famous for its farming, fishery and beautiful surrounds – as well as a great climate!

What you might not know about Geraldton is that it’s also making a splash as an eco friendly example and one of Australia’s most sustainable cities.

Recently, it has been finding ways to be more efficient with its water supply – especially in public spaces – by coming up with smarter urban design solutions.

“An example is the Geraldton Foreshore where water is sourced from near the CBH grain silos; stormwater from the silos and hardstand area recharge the shallow aquifer in that area and this is where the water is then drawn from,” said Phil Melling, city director of sustainable communities.

“The City discusses with land developers the benefits of water-wise landscaping and smart irrigation systems. Where possible, they are also encouraged to retain or restore natural bushland. Native plant species not only require very little or no irrigation, they also provide habitats for wildlife.”

Geraldton is even hosting a ‘WATER is everything summit 2013’ on August 16, which will celebrate achievements in water sustainability, seek to find further solutions and work towards making Geraldton a nation-leading ‘water sensitive’ city.

While communities can come together to be more sustainable with water, there are plenty of things you can do in your own home. Eco friendly products such as low-flow showerheads can help to conserve water, and be sure to have buckets outside collecting rainwater which you can use to water your garden plants with – no need to reach for the hose here!

As well as this, you can aim to have shorter showers and run a shorter cycle on the washing machine – and only use it for a full load. Even small measures such as this can help to conserve Australia’s water supply.

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