planting trees

Planting Trees And Going Green

Plants and trees help to keep Australia looking lush and beautiful, as well as provide many benefits for our soil, agriculture, atmosphere, ecosystems, our own enjoyment and more.

As a growing number of Aussies are getting fired up about this issue, National Tree Day has emerged. This year, the event took place on July 28. On this day, thousands of citizens came together planting native trees, shrubs and grasses. It was a chance to make a difference to the local environment, while also a great opportunity to get out and about and enjoy nature.

On the official day, over 4,000 Tree Day Events were held with a huge number of volunteers putting their time in to planning the activities. It involved schools, councils, families, individuals, community groups and more.

Over the years, there has been enough planting done on National Tree Day to reach the huge milestone of 20 million seedlings.

How can I get involved?

While the official National Tree Day has passed, that doesn’t mean you can’t still plan your own event or start thinking about what you could do around your own home.

You could grab some eco friendly products for the garden, gather the family and get planting in your backyard. Perhaps planting some new trees or plants – or maybe a tasty veggie patch? This is also a fantastic way of helping kids learn to appreciate nature and how food grows from a humble seed in the garden to a meal on their table.

Community groups and councils are also often looking for volunteers to help with planting, clean-up projects and more, so if you’re keen to get stuck in then this option is also available.

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