sustainable changes

Sustainable Changes You Can Make At Your Desk

You can make greener decisions to help out the planet while you are at the comfort of your office desk.

Check out these five top sustainable changes you can make – and maybe encourage your workmates to try, too.

Switch to reusable coffee cups

Coffee is a must-have for many people, helping them get through the rigours of office life, but enjoying this product in a takeaway cup is not an ideal way to consume it.

These cups are made using a plastic lining that prevents them from being recycled, so they build up in landfills across the country.

Reusable cups can be used time and time again, so you know you are not wasting precious resources or throwing out items that will only sit in rubbish heaps.

Avoid printing

Many offices are making the switch to become greener, and one way they are doing this is by going paperless.

Instead of printing out pages and pages of documents, see if you can instead read the information on your computer.

If you do need to print, try the double-sided option and then recycle the paper when you no longer need it.

Travel sustainably

Instead of taking a car to get to work and to travel between meetings, why not walk or ride a bike?

These will not only reduce your carbon footprint but will have huge health benefits too.

Pack your lunch

Making your lunch ensures you are aware of the ingredients going into your delicious sandwiches, as well as giving you the chance to make sustainable choices when it comes to packaging.

Items such as reusable sandwich wrap do not contribute to the global waste problem. You can pop leftovers from the night before between your bread so good food doesn’t end up in the bin.

Leftover food in landfill makes methane, a greenhouse gas 21 times as strong as carbon dioxide, according to the Department of Industry.

Bring a reusable water bottle

Many plastic bottles end up in landfill or in the waterways and oceans, so using a stainless steel water bottle is one way to reduce the amount going into landfill or causing damage to marine life and is one of the easiest sustainable changes you can make.

Plus, this means you are always able to quench your thirst – even when you’re on the go.

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