waste reduction tips

Two Top Waste Reduction Tips For The Family

It’s great that so many Australians are thinking about the future of the planet and adjusting their habits accordingly. Reducing household waste is one of the most straightforward things you can do to help the planet – and yourself!

However, you might struggle to get your whole family and kids onboard your waste reduction regimen. These two waste reduction tips might be able to help them jump on the bandwagon!

Waste reduction tips number one – make it a game

Turn reducing your waste into a family game or challenge!

At home, set up a recycling station in the kitchen or a spare space. You can get creative with this and have a box for each child, or a box for each kind of waste product, such as one for paper and one for plastic bottles. Then, whoever generates the least waste in the week gets a treat – or for a less competitive option, if everyone works together to reduce waste then you all get a meaningful reward together.

waste reduction tips number two – lead by example

Bring your kids along with you to the supermarket and ask them to help you pick out products with the least packaging, or with organic credentials.

Bring them along to the fresh fruits and veggies section and show them how you use reusable produce bags to avoid resorting to the single-use, plastic kind! You can explain this to your children and seeing it in action can help it to sink in.

Similarly, ask your kids to help you pack their lunches. Show them reusable sandwich wraps and how they replace the need for single-use plastic wraps that are only thrown away to landfill. Soon enough, it will become a part of your family’s mindset and you’ll never look back.

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